1. Introduction

ScorePlay Inc., owner of the ScorePlay brand and Neptuneplay SA, has adopted a Privacy Policy, in accordance with the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (‘GDPR’), to mirror the fundamental principles in data protection in this PRIVACY NOTE.
ScorePlay deeply cares about the confidentiality and security of your personal data and the collected or perused information in its digital platform located at www.scoreplay.io.
Your personal data will be processed informatically by ScorePlay Inc., with headquarters in 447 Broadway, 2nd Floor, 1071, New York, NY 10013, USA, hereinafter “Scoreplay” or “us”, and this data will be used only and exclusively by ScorePlay, as well as by its partner companies.This Company is the responsible for the treatment of data in the terms of the GDPR and through the web domain www.scoreplay.io.
For any questions regarding your data processing you can contact us through the following channels:
Phone Number: +33601492151
Address: 447 Broadway, 2nd Floor, 1071, New York, NY 10013, USA
E-mail: contact@scoreplay.io.

Important note:
As a user of this website, if you do not accept the terms of this Privacy Note, you must not access, browse or register in the forms present in this website. If you opt not to provide certain necessary information to experience our products and/or services, it may not be possible to provide them.This Privacy Note is organized in the following way:
1. Collection of data and Purposes – What user data is collected and for what purpose?
2. Processing of Data – How is your data processed?
3. Data Sharing – How is your data shared?
4. Cookies and Traceability Technology on the website www.scoreplay.io
5. Storage, Safety and Retention of the Data
6. User’s Rights
7. Privacy Policy Updates
8. Contact Information

2. Collection of data and purposes

What user data is collected and for what purpose?

ScorePlay, in its activity, collects and treat the necessary personal data for the provision of services and/or the supply of goods, treating your personal data for the below-mentioned purposes and collecting personal data directly when the user inserts his e-mail to receive information and promotional material:
- Personal Data Collected: Name, professional address, Photo, E-mail and/or Cell phone Number;

Some personal data are of mandatory supply and, in case of lack or insufficiency of such data, ScorePlay will not be able to provide the product or service and will inform the Client of the obligatory nature of the sharing of such data.

In general, the personal data collected are aimed at the contractual relationship management, to the adequacy of the services in light of the Client’s needs, as well as information and ScorePlay’s initiatives.

You may, however, provide us personal data for other purposes, as the submission of complaints or suggestions, diffusion of institutional information of ScorePlay and/or to be informed of campaigns, promotions, advertisement and news about the products and/or services of ScorePlay, as well as to the execution of market studies and evaluation enquiries.

Without prejudice of the compliance with the law regarding the conservation and transmission of data for research, detection and repression of serious crimes, ScorePlay will only execute treatment of traffic and location necessary for the above mentioned purposes.

3. Processing of data

How is your data processed?

‘Personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’; an identifiable natural person can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Your personal data will be processed informatically by ScorePlay Inc., with headquarters in 447 Broadway, 2nd Floor, 1071, New York, NY 10013, USA, hereinafter “Scoreplay” or “us”, and this data will be used only and exclusively by ScorePlay, as well as by its partner companies.

Your personal data may be transmitted to a subcontractor (for the purposes of the GDPR, a processor) so that they process them in the name and on behalf of ScorePlay, namely, database providers. In such a case, ScorePlay will take the necessary contractual measures to ensure that the subcontractor respects and protects your personal data.

4. Data sharing

How is your data shared?

Your personal information may be transmitted to ScorePlay’s partners, for the exclusive purposes of providing the goods or services to the user.

Your personal data may be processed by subcontractors hired by ScorePlay, namely, for web hosting services, electronic mail, answer to user’s questions about their services, sending information regarding new services and products or special offers. These companies will only receive the necessary personal data for the provision of the service or sale of goods in cause. We will also provide the necessary data for billing purposes.

Social Media “Widgets”
Our website may include social media features, as the “Like” or “Share” button and “Widgets” of the social medias as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and LinkedIn or any eventual interactive mini-programs that may be executed on our website. These resources may collect your IP address, the page you are visiting on our website and may set a cookie to allow that the resources function properly. The resources and social media Widgets are hosted by third-parties or directly in our website. Your interactions with those resources are governed by the privacy policies of the companies that provide them.

5. Cookies and traceability

ScorePlay may indirectly collect use information of your visit to the ScorePlay website with the purpose of optimizing your personal experience using the website. Some data are stores under the cookie format, like the information regarding the user’s navigation choices. Any user is, however, free to deactivate such capability through the its browser’s privacy configurations and it will not stop the user from using the website in its fullness. More info here.

6. Storage, Safety and Retention of the Data

Safety of your personal data:

The personal information provided in connection with the use of the website is protected in several ways.

Your personal data may be transmitted to a subcontractor (for the purposes of the GDPR, a processor) so that they process them in the name and on behalf of ScorePlay, namely, database providers. In such a case, ScorePlay will take the necessary contractual measures to ensure that the subcontractor respects and protects your personal data.

ScorePlay undertakes to use its best endeavours to protect the provided personal information, both during its transmission and after receiving them. However, no online transmission method, or electronic storage method is 100% safe, wherefore we cannot guaranty its absolute safety. We and our service provides undertake to use our best endeavours to implement and maintain physical, electronic and procedural safety destined to protect your personal data in conformity with the applicable data protection requirements.

Among other things, we have implemented the following measures:

Data classification policies;
Restricted access to your personal data and only for the communicated purposes;
Transfer of the collected data only in an encrypted away;
Protection of the systems through firewalls, with the purpose of preventing the non-authorized access to your data; and
Permanent monitoring of the accesses to our systems with the purpose of preventing, detecting and stopping the improver use of your personal data.

The amount of time for which your data are stored and kept varies according to the purpose for which the information is processed. Effectively, there are legal requirements that make it mandatory to store the data for a minimum period of time.

There, and when there is not a specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and kept only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes that motivated their collection or their posterior processing, after which they will be eliminated.

If you have any questions regarding the security measures in our website and the storing period, send us an e-mail to contact@scoreplay.io

7. User rights

The user is guaranteed his rights of access, rectification, change, limitation and erasure regarding is personal data. At any moment, the user can request:

The access to the information we have of the user;
The rectification of the information in case it is incorrect or incomplete;
To erase or limit the processing of his personal data;

If the treatment depends on the user’s consent or agreement and that consent or agreement is done by automatized means, the user has the right to have sent to him his or her previously given data, in a structured, commonly used and in a computerized legible format (Portability).

Your requests will he handled with special care in a way that we can ensure the efficacy of your rights. You may be requested to prove your identity to ensure that the sharing of the personal data is only done with their respective data subject.Without prejudice of the provisions of the GDPR, the data subject may exert the abovementioned rights via a request made to contact@scoreplay.io.

In some cases (due to legal requirements), your request might not be immediately met.In any case, you will be informed of the measures taken no more than a month after the moment you submit your request.

ScorePlay may launch promotional campaigns for new products/services, via marketing campaigns, through the contacts provided by the user if he/she has given its respective consent. If the data subject does not wish to continue receiving these communications, he/she can, at any time, withdraw his/her consent to the use of his/her data for these purposes.

The subject also has the right to submit a claim to the National Data Protection Entity.

8. Changes to this privacy policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.
This policy is effective as of 2022-09-16

Contact us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at contact@scoreplay.io.

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